Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Adventures of Porky and Odie: Vol.2 Chapter 4

Odie grabbed the platform. He jumped up. The criminal screamed and ran away. He took out a pistol and fired. I dodged and kicked him in the head. He fell on the ground unconscious. I looked in his pockets. One had a ticket to Africa and back. One had a note. I read it. " Beware of Egyptians."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Adventures of Porky and Odie:vol.2 chapter 3

We ran into the college. We couldn't see anything. Suddenly Odie said, " I heard someone." Then we fell straight down into the ground. Inside was machinery everywhere. There was robots everywhere. It was about 100 degrees in the factory. All the machinery was bronze. We saw the criminal laughing on the platform on the other side. There was a rope in the middle of both platforms. Odie ran back and jumped. He went flying by the rope!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

the Adventures of Porky and Odie vol.2 Chapter 2

He ran into the building. Suddenly a man came running. Odie kicked him into the alley. He got up and ran towards me. I slammed him in the face and knocked him over. Then he got up and said" Are you guys crazy. That was John Tubman wanted criminal in Africa for stealing rare animals, testing formulas on them, and then selling them off to other crinimals." I looked at Odie. He looked at me. We were going in to the college to find the crinimal.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Adventures of Porky and Odie: vol.2 Chapter 1

One day in the heart of Russia at a college there lived two stuffed animals. Porky a black bear and Odie a German Sheperd. They used to be humans, for they were not actually a black bear or a German Shepard. They had been turned into stuffed animals in a dream and had been in adventures from Baghadad to the ocean. They had defated an evil Indian boss. So now they had a job in Russia. Well, one day Porky was in his office when suddenly there was a knock on the door. It was the principal. He said" There's a man outside who wants you and Odie. He said it's urgent.""Tell him while be there,"I said. I told Porky there was somebody waiting outside for us. Suddenly the guy we were supposed to see jumped forward screaming" I NEED HELP!"

Sunday, June 15, 2008

the Adventures of Porky and Odie: Chapter 18

Indian chief dead on the ground. We walked by. Right when we were walking by him he rolled knocking me and Odie over. He got up and punched Odie to the ground. I punched at him, but he blocked it easily. Then Odie got up and tried to kick him but missed. Then he picked me and Odie up and swung us around and around and threw us. I landed in a garbage can. Odie landed on the ground and rolled out the door. Meanwhile inside the room the Indian boss was looking for a sword to get me with. I jumped out of the garbage can. I threw a bomb into the room and locked the door. I ran outside and closed it. The first thing he saw was Odie tied to a bomb. Then suddenly somebody was gonna tie him to the bomb. He kicked the person in the face and got Odie untied. Right before I had untied the last cord though a person slammed him into the water. I heard the man say," You think you could destroy the Indian boss so easy?"right before I splashed into the cold cruel saltwater. Mean while Odie was looking down towards the water. He saw Porky jump out of the water, knocking th Indian boss thousands of feet into the water. Meanwhile we made it to Russia and started a university called The Cotton College of Asian and European History and Geographary. And we were settled down until that one day 3 years later...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

the Adventures of Porky and Odie: Chapter 17

I tried to force myself from the anchor. I couldn't. Suddenly I had an idea. When I was in Boy Scouts I learned to tie and untie knots. This knot looked simple. He untied it in 5 simple seconds. He swam to the nearest object. He climbed aboard it. The first thing he saw was a punch coming towards him. He dodged it in the nick of time. I t smashed into a metal pole."Oooooouch,"said the man falling towards the ground. I turned around. The man got up. He was just gonna shoot me in the back. Suddenly Odie came out of nowhere.He knocked the man off the edge. The man went flying backwards and splashed into the water. We found a door. We opened it. Inside was...Find out on the next Adventures of Porky and Odie.

the Adventures of Porky and Odie: Chapter 16

It hit the rope. I suddenly realized Odie had shot it to save me. I sneaked away. Suddenly a dark thing flashed towards us screaming! I took an enemy's sword. Too heavy for a stuffed animal. I had an idea. I took the old man's sword that he had brought with. The creature I realized was human. It ran towards me very fast. Suddenly I realized. Odie must have brought the men here to destroy the Indians. Then they betray us and now are trying to kill us. Suddenly a white man's hand punched me. I woke up on top of a boat. I suddenly realized they were gonna drown me. A man picked me up, tied an anchor to me, and threw me into the water. Will Porky sink down to Davey Jones Locker? Find out on the next Adventures of Porky and Odie.