Saturday, June 14, 2008

the Adventures of Porky and Odie: Chapter 16

It hit the rope. I suddenly realized Odie had shot it to save me. I sneaked away. Suddenly a dark thing flashed towards us screaming! I took an enemy's sword. Too heavy for a stuffed animal. I had an idea. I took the old man's sword that he had brought with. The creature I realized was human. It ran towards me very fast. Suddenly I realized. Odie must have brought the men here to destroy the Indians. Then they betray us and now are trying to kill us. Suddenly a white man's hand punched me. I woke up on top of a boat. I suddenly realized they were gonna drown me. A man picked me up, tied an anchor to me, and threw me into the water. Will Porky sink down to Davey Jones Locker? Find out on the next Adventures of Porky and Odie.

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