Saturday, June 14, 2008

the Adventures of Porky and Odie: Chapter 17

I tried to force myself from the anchor. I couldn't. Suddenly I had an idea. When I was in Boy Scouts I learned to tie and untie knots. This knot looked simple. He untied it in 5 simple seconds. He swam to the nearest object. He climbed aboard it. The first thing he saw was a punch coming towards him. He dodged it in the nick of time. I t smashed into a metal pole."Oooooouch,"said the man falling towards the ground. I turned around. The man got up. He was just gonna shoot me in the back. Suddenly Odie came out of nowhere.He knocked the man off the edge. The man went flying backwards and splashed into the water. We found a door. We opened it. Inside was...Find out on the next Adventures of Porky and Odie.

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