Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Adventures of Porky and Odie: vol.2 Chapter 1

One day in the heart of Russia at a college there lived two stuffed animals. Porky a black bear and Odie a German Sheperd. They used to be humans, for they were not actually a black bear or a German Shepard. They had been turned into stuffed animals in a dream and had been in adventures from Baghadad to the ocean. They had defated an evil Indian boss. So now they had a job in Russia. Well, one day Porky was in his office when suddenly there was a knock on the door. It was the principal. He said" There's a man outside who wants you and Odie. He said it's urgent.""Tell him while be there,"I said. I told Porky there was somebody waiting outside for us. Suddenly the guy we were supposed to see jumped forward screaming" I NEED HELP!"

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