Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Adventures of Porky and Odie: Chapter 7

I woke up to a very happy place. I realized we had finished that journey. Then somebody said we were in Baghdad. I was very pleased with the news and said thank you. Then I went into the town. I saw Odie and the other 56 caravan members that had survived. I was surprised to see only 56. We had started with at least 500. By the time we got to the Indian battle there were 346 of us. That means we lost 290 that battle and all the members were wounded or dieing. I was terribly grieved. They told me the Indian boss had no head and was a very vulgar enemy. As I was going to sleep I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door. It was the Indian boss. Would I survive? Find out on the next Adventures of Porky and Odie.

1 comment:

Grandpa said...

yo henry....i was so freaked out by the vulgar indian boss that i did not dare read any least not for now. dude your blog was really cool to go there during my break at work and visit two of my favorite grandkids!! i will be checking in now and was great seeing you guys on sunday
the grampinator