Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Adventures of Porky and Odie Chapter 4

It was a tiger! We all stayed calm. It could kill any of us. Then some wind came in. We were very happy. The tiger hated sandstorms. So we got out are weapons and slew it. That night we had roast tiger."This is good," I said in my stuffed voice.Everybody agreed.When we got close to Baghadad we stopped. There were two passes. One was desert. Very easy but we were tired of desert. The other way was a very tricky swamp. Which shall we decide? Find out on the next Adventures of Porky and Odie

1 comment:

Miss Turrey said...

Hi Henry! I have been reading your blog and just had to say that I love that phrase, "in my stuffed voice". What else would it be, right, since you are a stuffed animal?!