Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Adventures of Porky and Odie Chapter 10

I found a little cave and hid in it. I looked around I saw Odie." We are the only ones that survived," he said in his stuffed dog voice. They passed us. We knew they would not be back for a while. So we decided to explore the cave. I looked around it seemed safe. So I gave him a sign that we could. We walked along. The we came in shut seal. We were not worried though because there was probaly another way out. But after looking we decide there couldnt be. I looked at the ground. The rocks were breaking apart. Ther was orange gew coming up. It was lava! Will they escape from the lava pit or will they melt into gewey cotton skeletons. Find out on the next Adventures of Porky and Odie.

1 comment:

Grandpa said...

you won't be able to make a sequel if they melt into gooey cotton skeletons.